DeafDigest - 23 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 23, 2020 -- deaf astronomers, past and future We've had some great astronomers that were deaf, but that was years ago. Will we be getting deaf astronomers in the future years? The National Science Foundation hopes so, and has backed it up with grant money to train future deaf astronomers.   -- a shocking gesture by interpreter (or not shocking) An interpreter, on TV, used a gesture that many people thought was a dirty word. The speaker spoke the word "lazy" and it led the interpreter to show that gesture. The speaker was Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria (in Australia). Many signs for many words are different in USA and in Australia!   -- A comment by the Father of ADA Retired congressman Tom Harkin, known as the Father of the ADA, made this comment today: employment still an issue on 30th anniversary of ADA He is correct. How does he know much about the deaf? His late brother was deaf.     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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