DeafDigest - 23 June 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 23, 2016 -- Deaf Art: Deaf Hands In the early eighties, the NAD commissioned deaf portrait artist William Sparks to do a painting of late deaf leader Frederick C. Schreiber. One of the first things Sparks asked for were pictures of Schreiber's hands, saying it was the key to the planned portrait. Hands? Well, there was a story today of Jennifer Nelson, Gallaudet professor of English, who is doing a summer residence-in-training in Deaf Art in Minnesota. She said the same thing that Sparks said years ago - Hands are important to deaf people. A picture is at:   -- the hearing car salesman was a jerk This is a true story. A deaf man entered an automobile dealership, looking to buy a new car. The deaf man agreed on the price of the new car and was ready to sign papers. The salesman led the deaf man to the office of the sales manager. The salesman who liked to joke around, said something innapropriate about the deaf, thinking the deaf man wasn't watching him. The deaf man saw the sales manager's weird body language (in reaction to the inappropriate joke), suddenly turned his head and lipread these words. What happened? The deaf man walked out, without signing papers - and the salesman lost his sale!   -- hiring only the deaf Todd Hubbard is a deaf architect in Louisiana, owning his own archictural firm. He works with metal structures in buildings and houses, and is currently working on a restaurant building. His policy is simple - hire the deaf. If they want to work hard, he will hire them.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- library fingerprinting, deaf publications 06/19/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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