DeafDigest - 23 March 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 23, 2016 -- interpreters that quit About 25 percent of interpreters plan to quit their jobs and seek different careers. Reason given were - expensive training fees, no encouragement from peers and mentors, lack of appreciation from their clients, etc. It is happening, not in USA, but in Great Britain! Just be grateful that for all of the interpreting problems in USA, we still have interpreters! A picture of a signing British interpreter at:   -- a letter of apology A letter of apology was sent to the family of Nyle DiMarco. Why wasn't the letter sent directly to him, DeafDigest does not know. Anyway it was from a speech teacher at one of the deaf schools he attended in the past, apologizing for "forcing" him to wear a hearing aid! DeafDigest does not know who the teacher was or the school the teacher taught speech. -- struggle between FCC and TV stations on captions The FCC has a rule that captions be placed in the right position on the screen. The captioners can move the captions to the right position. But why do captions go to wrong positions, after being positioned correctly by the captioner? TV stations often move the captions, without the knowledge of FCC and of the captioner! A war we do not know about.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) 03/20/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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