DeafDigest - 23 May 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 23, 2016 -- deaf Uber driver overcomes problems Paul Dimiti, Stamford, CT, has been a driver with Uber for over a year. He successfully overcame his struggles as a rookie driver last year. His first Uber client was so angry about being "stuck" with a deaf driver that he slammed the door loudly after arriving at the destination! Dimitri has since then learned to explain, rather than to surprise, the customers about his deafness and on how to communicate. He also overcame bad customer satisfaction ratings to become a top-notch driver. So far he picked up 3,000 fares, one of them a blind customer and another customer that wanted a ride to Pennsylvania. It is not his primary job, as he works at the New York School for the Deaf in White Plains. A picture is at:   -- immature student interpreter scolded by peers An interpreting program student went out shopping with a friend. She arrived just before the store closed up for the night and was asked by the clerk to please leave. She refused and played "deaf" pretending not to understand what the clerk was saying. Upon arriving at the college dorm, she bragged to her deaf friends that she played "deaf" and expected all of them to laugh with her. She was shocked to find her deaf friends scolding her for making the deaf people look bad!     -- swallowing a hearing aid All pediatricians share stories of children swallowing stuff that is not food. A popular tale is a hearing aid being swallowed. Always wondering who swallowed the hearing aid. Was it a deaf kid swallowing his hearing aid? Was it a hearing kid swallowing his sibling's hearing aid? Or even was it a kid swallowing parent's hearing aid?     Latest deaf jobs:   Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- TV, longest continuing deaf TV host   05/22/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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