DeafDigest - 23 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 23, 2018   -- reasons why babies cry When a baby cries, there is a reason - wet diapers, hunger, seeking attention, etc. Hearing parents may be able to figure out these cries. Deaf parents may find this task difficult. There is a new app which tells the deaf parents why their babies are crying. A picture of this app is at: Now, what about an app that tells dog lovers that cannot hear or understand why their dogs cry!   -- a scary police non-incident Yesterday DeafDigest editor was walking in downtown Washington, DC. All of a sudden someone on a bicycle had to change directions to avoid knocking down the DeafDigest editor. It was a police officer. He was probably screaming and yelling to "get out of the way" but got no response. No one wants incidents (or accidents) with police officers.   -- blueblood in deaf family Dummy Hoy started a blueblood family. He was a famous major league player that advocates nowadays push for his hall of fame induction. One hearing son became a judge; another hearing son became a state legislator. His nephew was the leading baker of breads in Los Angeles. Hoy himself never went to Gallaudet but has baseball/softball fields named after him. Before he became a baseball pro, he owned a shoe repair business in Ohio.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- three ADA words attorneys go to war over! 05/20/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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