DeafDigest - 23 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 23, 2019 -- Volkswagen trying to be deaf-friendly A deaf advisory group was asked by Volkswagen in a recent meeting in Washington, DC on how to make their cars deaf-friendly. Hope the Volkswagen people have listened to the deaf instead of tuning out the advice.     -- comment by a hearing actor A hearing actor made this coment in a newspaper interview. He said: I enjoy playing deaf in the play. It is a fun character for me. We always hate it when hearing actors play deaf roles, and this comment only makes us hate it more.     -- deaf sports funding; Canada yes, USA no The Amateur Sports Act of 1978 was supposed to help the USA Deaflympics group with funding. For a short time, there was funding but no more. Well, the Canadian government will be contributing almost $800,000 to help fund Deaf Canadians' participation in Deaflympics. Zero funding from USA. A big shame!     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/19/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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