DeafDigest - 23 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 23, 2018   -- a comment about deafness being fixed A web posting had this comment that all deaf people can have their deafness fixed. True? No - deaf people that are stone-deaf cannot have their hearing fixed.     -- big burden on deaf actor in a Shakespeare play A deaf actor said performing in a Shakespearian play was more of a burden as compared to a regular play. He had to understand the meaning of the lines first. The he had to adjust the lines to sign language and to mix it up with mime and body language for the benefit of the mixed hearing/deaf audience. He said it is very different from regular plays.   -- fancy wine at fancy restaurants There are deaf people that love great wines. This brings a big question. At great restaurants that serve great wines, there are sommeliers whose job is to advise patrons on which wines that should order to match up perfectly with the meals they have ordered. Sommeliers would recommend a wine and would explain why it is the best. That may take as much as 5-10 minutes. Would these sommeliers have patience communicating with deaf patrons on the wines they should order?   Deaf jobs - latest update 11/18/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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