DeafDigest - 23 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 23, 2018   -- Einstein's deafness mystery Many of us know that Thomas Edison, who became deaf as a pre-teen, was the world's greatest inventor. How did he become deaf continues to be a mystery. One version was a railroad accident. Another version said train conductor was upset about his secret chemical lab inside a railroad car and hit him hard on the head. A third version was ear infections and illnesses. Which version is true? It was a big story today in one of the on-line publications.   -- a sign language club offers something other clubs don't The Idaho State University ASL club has offered something that other high school and college sign language clubs don't. This club will be featuring open captioned movies three times per week, not just for the benefit of the university's deaf students, but also for the hearing students - and also the local deaf community!   -- three big questions with captioning devices A captioning advocate raised three questions regarding captioning devices. Does the theater have enough devices in stock during peak hours? Does the theater advertise the availabiliy of these captioning devices. Last question is - do they have a staffer that is trained to set up these devices upon request? If not on either of these questions, then that theater is not in compliance with the ADA regulations.     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/21/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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