DeafDigest - 23 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 23, 2013 -- a cruel fate for a deaf cyclist Jacob Landis, Annapolis, MD, was on a cross country cycling tour, visiting every major league baseball stadium, to raise funds to help the deaf. He was in Florida and was going to cycle back home to complete his national tour. Unfortunately, a hit and run driver crashed into his bicycle - causing serious injuries. thus stopping the tour. DeafDigest hopes Jacob will recover soon.     -- a deaf dog is a hero A deaf English Springer Spaniel has become a hero in Salem, Oregon! She may be deaf but she can smell! At 6 AM one morning, she smelled something strange and barked so loud, waking up her master. It was a burglar. The master physically overpowered the burglar and held him for the cops to arrive to make the arrest. Yes, the dog's master is not deaf!     -- Dummy Hoy exhibit removed at a museum A deaf baseball fan went to a museum, expecting to see the Dummy Hoy exhibit. It was not there, much to his disappointment. He said "I guess the Hoy exhibit was not popular and was removed". Where is that museum? It is the Cincinnati Reds museum. Hoy, who played 14 seasons in majors, spent 4 seasons with the Reds, and it was where he had his best seasons (1894 thru 1897)!       Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/22/13 Blue edition at: 09/22/13 Gold edition at:

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