DeafDigest - 23 September 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 23, 2015 morning   -- a well known deaf school changes its name The Learning Center for the Deaf (TLC), the school, has changed its name, sort of! There is much more to TLC than just the school that deaf students attend. TLC is a sprawling complex of 14 separate departments - meaning one school and 13 other departments, in Framingham, MA, and a couple of other locations. For sake of better identification, TLC, the school, has changed its name to Marie Philip School (in honor of the deaf leader that departed us few years ago). TLC, the complex, however, retains its same name.   -- Starbucks becoming much more deaf-friendly Starbucks has always been popular in the Deaf Community, but ordering something can be quite an ordeal. DeafDigest editor has personally witnessed a deaf person, with fair speaking skills, struggle with the barista over a specific order. Ordering something like a Frappuccino with one shot of something, and two shots of something else can lead to misunderstandings and frustrations! Not any more - with their upgrade on Mobile Order & Pay app. A deaf person can key in the specific order and it will be perfect when served.   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   9/20/15 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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