DeafDigest - 23 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 23, 2016   -- Deaf Chef in the nation's restaurant hotbed According to Andrew Zimmern, the famous food host with Bizarre Foods, the Twin Cities area is a hot area to try new and different meals. And we do have a deaf chef in the Twin Cities area (Minneapolis/St Paul). It is Kendall Kail who operates his own Ward 6 retaurant in St. Paul. He worked as chef at different restaurants for years until he landed his job at the Ward 6 restaurant. See the picture at:   -- Uber again Where do the Deaf Community stand with Uber? This company says they want to hire more deaf drivers. Yet, it is confusing to follow Uber. 1. Uber encouraging more deaf drivers to sign up 2. Uber pushing for self-driving cars 3. Quebec tells Uber they cannot use deaf drivers $. And today, Uber has announced a partnership with Canadian Hearing Society to hire more deaf drivers across Canada. What is next with Uber? Good news or bad news?   -- Comcast joins a Deaf Club Comcast joining a Deaf Club? Well, it was just learned that the Comcast CEO has a deaf daughter. As a result, the CEO has given $25 million to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. That hospital works with CI children. Let us look at past "members" of the Deaf Club: 1. Past CEO of a national restaurant chain. His son is deaf, and he was supportive of men's basketball at Gallaudet, as the son played this sport. When he graduated, the CEO no longer supported Gallaudet. 2. Past officer of a big Washington, DC supermarket chain. He has donated a lot of money to local deaf clubs and deaf agencies. Not any more, since the father retired and the son grew up. 3. Big movie star. His son was deaf. He had nothing to do with the son, but the wife helped establish an oral school for the deaf. So, everytime we see a CEO or a VIP with a deaf child, it is always interesting to see what they would do to help (or not) the deaf!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Federal prosecutor that is deaf 09/18/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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