DeafDigest - 23 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 23, 2019 -- just seven interpreters employed by New York courts A newspaper today said that only seven interpreters are employed by the New York court system, and all of them work in the New York metro area. Would that mean no interpreters for courts in the bigger New York Cities (Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse)? Also seven interpreters is not enough! For that reason there have been delays with the deaf in the court room due to unavailable interpreters.   -- forgetting a sign for a word An article today says there are people that forget a certain word for a story they were trying to tell. It also said this happens to sign language users that forget a certain sign for a certain word. This is a nightmare that hearing speakers and deaf signers face!   -- stick shift driving may be dangerous to deaf Could deaf people drive stick shift cars? Of course! It requirees balance with both feet while letting go of the clutch and stepping on the gas pedal. This footwork requires sense of timing acquired by experienced drivers. It is just that hearing drivers hear the pressure on the gas pedal. Deaf drivers cannot hear it. For one deaf driver, it resulted in an accident - because he temporarily lost his sense of timing between the clutch and the gas pedal! The car "ran off" and hit other vehicles.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/22/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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