DeafDigest - 23 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 23, 2020 -- the deaf leak How often does it happen that the first deaf person learned about a confidential matter that was revealed by the second deaf person. It was assumed that the first deaf person knew about it! Deaf leaks or hearing leaks? Same thing!   -- author's challenge A hearing author wanted to write a mystery book about an all-deaf town - and that these deaf people were better off being deaf than being hearing. His challenge is to make the story believable otherwise knowledgeable deaf people would see through this fakery! This was what he said in a newspaper interview.   -- nightmare for hearing mother of two deaf children The family of hearing mother and two deaf children live off the grid - with very weak dial-up internet connection. These deaf children are being remotedly schooled - requiring all-day wifi links. As a result she had to drive both girls to a library parking lot to pick up wifi connection. Other times she has to use the wifi that town shops and stores offer. Sometimes wifi is weak, forcing her to drive around the town, looking for a better connection. She has asked the school to help but is not getting it.   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/20/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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