DeafDigest - 24 April 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 24, 2015 -- deaf heights fear in Luxembourg? DeafDigest editor is spending his last day in Luxembourg before continuing on his travels. Today he toured the Luxembourg fortress. One can view it from the top or from the bottom - as the fortress is located at the bottom of the hills in middle of the city. Those with fear of heights may find the view scary. Are deaf people afraid of heights? Probably no more than the hearing, but we have deaf people with Spinal Meningitis or with vertigo or with Meniere's disease. People with these conditions may find heights scary. How terrifying is the fortress heights? Take a look at:   -- before Marlee Matlin, we had a great deaf actress Audree Norton has departed us. Many young deaf people do not know who she was. During the early days of TV in the fifties, she had several acting roles. She also was a TV model, appearing in Royal Crown cola commercials. She drank so much cola during these camera re-takes that she hated it for life. And she was the only deaf actress to be blackballed by Hollywood! She protested the wicked Hollywood tradition of using hearing actors for deaf roles. As a result, no one - directors and producers would give her roles! She deserves thanks for paving the way for our future deaf actors and actresses.   -- a new Wells Fargo commercial on TV Going on right now is a new Wells Fargo TV commercial. It is about a deaf female couple adopting a deaf girl. This deaf girl role is played by a real deaf girl, not a hearing girl. For that reason, DeafDigest applauds Wells Fargo.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 4/19/15 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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