DeafDigest - 24 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 24, 2020 -- ex-White House press secretary ignored interpreters Stephanie Grisham is no longer the White House press secretary, as she stepped down not too long time ago. It was understood that when the president gave a speech, it was not interpreted. When the deaf community protested, she never responded even though arranging for interpreters was her responsibility.   -- Cued Speech is impossible with face mask Deaf people that use Cued Speech as their communications mode found that masks has made this task impossible! One has to take off the mask to make it possible.   -- Baltimore mayor blocks interpreter Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young does not like for deaf to know about protesters shouting at him during his speech. When the interpreter tried to interpret comments from these protesters the mayor blocked it, and had it edited out of the videos! Deaf community was in uproar; few days later the mayor apologized and promised it would not happen again. The mayor is saying it is OK for hearing people to hear the protests but the deaf cannot!   Deaf jobs - latest update 04/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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