DeafDigest - 24 August 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 24, 2011
-- Austin's high tech corporation being great to the deaf Austin, Texas is where many high tech companies are
located. And one of them - Image Microsystems, has
a high percentage of deaf individuals on its payroll.
This company hired its first deaf person in 2005 and
it has been upwards since then. In fact, in one department,
80 percent of employees are deaf. And the supervisor
overseeing that department is deaf. It all started when
the wife of the company CEO, herself fluent in ASL,
convinced the husband to hire the deaf.

-- Two audiological groups fighting each other! While we all know that no two audiologists agree with
each other on what defines deafness, it was just learned
that the Doctors of Audiology has filed a lawsuit against
the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA).
The Doctors of Audiology has accused ASHA of making
fraudulent comments to audiologists and on its
web site. So, it is not just the deaf fighting the
deaf over many issues (oral, CI, ASL, etc) but that
the professionals working with the deaf are fighting
each other over audiological issues. No peace in the
deaf world?
  -- A TV decoder is used for something different Many hearing people are sick and tired of hearing
the same old names on TV - Sarah Palin, Donald Trump,
Charlie Sheen, Kim Kardashian, Kobe Bryant, etc.
Instead of complaining, a hearing programmer
came up with a way to re-program the code in the
decoder circuit inside the TV to "block out" these
names. For example - if the TV news announcer said
"Charlie Sheen was caught drunk in public" then
the TV would say "was caught drunk in public",
without mentioning "Charlie Sheen."

-- A hearing aid without batteries? People that wear hearing aids are constantly
weary of having to carry batteries with them
and to replace them all the time. This may
change. The Danish Technological Institute is
working with methanol, that could possibly
replace the batteries. This group hopes this
product will be ready for the marketplace next

-- An interpreter fired for twisting the news Leslie Grange, a British sign language interpreter
on TV news, was fired. She was on the job for seven
years. She was doin gfine as a news interpreter until last
year she got bored with her job. She was tired of interpreting
these "dull" news. Deaf viewers, those that cannot be fooled,
got suspicious when the news she interpreted was not the
same news they read in the newspapers or on news web sites.
This has been going on for six months until her news station
supervisors got complaints from deaf viewers. Upon
investigation, she got immediately fired. What does Leslie
have to say about it?
She said:
Personal difficulties, and a crushing professional boredom
    -- New Mexico Commission for Deaf & HOH seeks Executive Director more information at:

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