DeafDigest - 24 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 24, 2018   -- a deaf-blind business owner Ron Eshoo, who is deaf-blind, owns his business - the Ron's Allstar Vending, Inc. His vending machines are found at various locations in Chicago and in the suburbs. He has an assistant that works with him, driving around, purchasing vending products and filling these up in his vending machines. A picture is at:   -- Facebook bans a sign language music video Becki Breiner, who is deaf, was not allowed by Facebook to sign-sing some musical songs. Sony objected to one of her sign-songs, saying it was piracy - and had Facebook block it!   -- parole board unfair to a deaf prisoner A deaf prisoner in California had a hearing with the parole boar, hoping he would win parole. It was not to be. The board asked him if he took educational programs while in prison. He said yes - but these classes were not interpreted. As a result, the parole board turned down parole for him. The Prison Law Office is now fighting for parole that deaf prisoner.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- house-hunting for the deaf 08/19/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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