DeafDigest - 24 August 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 24, 2020 -- deaf man lost his job because of face mask A deaf man, who does not use sign language, but relies on lip reading, lost his job as a building superintendent. Why? No warning. No explanation. Just fired, period. Does he have ADA rights? No, if the company has less than 15 employees. But if there were no bad reports in his personnel file, then he was advised to speak to a disability rights attorney.   -- a hearing aid in Lucifer In a Lucifer TV episdoe, a detective, looking for something, noticed a hearing aid beep in one of the characters. Is the character deaf, and using a hearing aid to hear better? Or is the character using a hearing aid as a spying device? Always an unexplained mystery on a TV thriller!   -- delivering packages in China there was a story of 40 deaf cyclists delivering packages in parts of Shanghai. Some of them, in fact, deliver as many as 300 packages in one day. Easy to deliver packages? No. 100 deaf cyclists applied for the job but most couldn't make it and gave up. The story stressed that these deaf cyclists earn equal pay as compaired to hearing cyclists. USA? There was a deaf-owned delivery company in Washington, DC during the eighties - but the company closed up.   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/23/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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