DeafDigest - 24 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 24, 2013 -- is FCC avoiding our no-captions complaints? FCC has been encouraging all of us to post on-line our no-captioning complaints - so that they could take action. Yet, their accessibility-complaints web site has been down! Every single link that FCC provides for our complaints have been broken! Is it saying that FCC wishes to avoid us?   -- arrested deaf woman loses no-interpreter lawsuit! Do deaf people, upon being arrested, always win a no-interpreter lawsuit? No. A deaf woman, from Florida, after being arrested, lost her lawsuit. The Florida U.S. District Court said that the police officer communicated with her via notes being passed back and forth. This judge said was adequate communications, and that an interpreter was not necessary! This deaf woman will file an appeal. Is it saying it is better to refuse to write notes in the first place?   -- Is Florida Hillsborough County cruel to the deaf? 4-year old Sam Cruz Jr is deaf; his hearing family was homeless when the father lost his job. The county found them a trailer home, which was in terrible condition - bugs, water leaks, molds, etc. The social worker helped the family get $2,700 per month disability payment because of the child's deafness. What did the county do? They took most of the money back from the family, leaving them with very little to live on! Why? The county wanted to recover the money they spent on the lousy trailer rental! Yes, people in Hillsborough County are very angry about it, saying the county government stinks!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/22/13 Blue edition at: 12/22/13 Gold edition at:      

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