DeafDigest - 24 December 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 24, 2014 -- a big mess at a school for the deaf There is a big mess at a school for the deaf. But is not what you may think - students and teachers both get along very well. Students are well behaved and listen carefully in the classroom. The mess is from outside - young hearing men, bored with nothing to do, smoke marijuana, near the school property. They bother the deaf students and the teachers are not able to do anything about it. It is taking place at the Adjei State School for the Deaf in Ghana! We are grateful this is not happening in USA.   -- sign language or computer technology The CME Group (Chicago Mercantile Exchange & Chicago Board of Trade) is like a stock market, dealing with oil, cattle, crops, coffee beans, etc). Brokers shout out their orders. For many years they used a special sign language to communicate with each other (numbers, months and letters). The CME had hoped to eliminate sign language with computers. That was about 20-25 years ago. Sign language still won! One CME broker said "technology cannot replace sign language!"   -- farewell to a special friend in Hollywood Joseph Sargent, probably the best friend in Hollywood among the deaf actors, passed away. While he was not deaf, he did much for the deaf. He co-founded the Deaf West Theater. He directed the movie "Love is never Silent" which is considered to be the best deaf movie ever. And not afraid of controversy, he directed the movie - Sweet Nothing in My Ear, which starred Marlee Matlin. It was about a deaf couple having a hard time deciding about giving their deaf son a CI or not. DeafDigest wishes there were more Joseph Sargents in Hollywood.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 12/21/14 Blue edition at: 12/21/14 Gold edition at:

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