DeafDigest - 24 December 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 24, 2015 -- a success in a very tough job A real tough job is waiting on tables at a busy restaurant. It can be hectic for a hearing person - diners demand quick service, complain of wrong dishes, of dishes too salty, drinks not strong enough, etc. Yet, deaf Noah Wimberly has been working as a waiter for ten years at the Social Southern Table in Lafayette, LA. Knowing patrons get nervous upon being served by a deaf waiter, he shows his card to tell them he is deaf and then uses a notepad to communicate with them on drinks and meals. After a while, these nervous patrons relax and enjoy their meals. Hearing people think he is very brave about it, but he doesn't think so, just comes with the job (and great tips!). See his picture with introductory card at:       -- more about the popular deaf movie Last week DeafDigest mentioned the deaf movie "The Belier Family" being very popular right now in France. DeafDigest editor has not watched the movie but hopes to watch it some day. Anyway - in that movie, there was a story of the deaf father (farmer) fighting with the town mayor on farming land issues. He accused the mayor of wanting to grab the land for his own purposes. As a result, the deaf father decided to run for the mayor. And who was his interpreter during the election campaign - his hearing teenage daughter! She was very unhappy about it, because she was trying to deal with her own issues - as a Coda and as a teenager, trying to grow up fast!     -- comparing captions on different TV sets A deaf man went to Best Buy and was able to connect the antenna to different TV models - Insignia, Toshiba, Sceptre, Vizio and Sony. He noticed that captions were different with each TV model. Some captions were great while some were terrible. Keep in mind, the Best Buy clerk allowed him to connect the antenna to each TV set. Other Best Buy stores may not allow it.     Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 12/20/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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