DeafDigest - 24 December 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 24, 2018   -- difficult to find a deaf Native American friend A deaf Native American who was successful as a young person, disappeared from public view but was always living on a reservation. Because of culture of secrecy, it was difficult to locate him. It took a deaf friend two months, going from reservation to reservation to find him. No one would tell him.   -- insurance requirements have hurt deaf social clubs A deaf-owned business purchased an insurance policy. That business has security cameras but when there was a break-in, the insurance company would not honor the claim - for one reason - there was no alarm system. Because the deaf people cannot hear, they didn't realize the importance of an alarm system, thinking that security cameras would be enough. It wasn't.   -- interpreting and note-taking do not mix A deaf professional attended a business conference and was provided with an interpreter. It was a disaster, and interpreting had nothing to do with it. He took his eyes off the interpreter to write down notes, and by the time he looked at the interpreter, he already missed some important points during the presentation.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/23/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:      

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