DeafDigest - 24 February 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 24, 2014 -- a rare job for a deaf person A Coda was vacationing in Dominican Republic, staying at a hotel. She learned that the hotel has two deaf employees, and one of them is a lifeguard! In USA, we have known of deaf indidivuals wanting to become lifeguards. Only they have been told the deaf cannot become lifeguards which leads to job discrimination lawsuits. Not that so in the Dominican Republic, which doesn't even have a ADA to begin with!   -- cruelest boxer of all time Kid McCoy, not deaf, was a pro boxing champion and was voted as one of a boxing magazine's 100 greatest punchers of all time. He was also the cruelest boxer! He fought a deaf boxer in a 1893 match. During the fight, McCoy stopped and walked to his corner; the deaf boxer thought the round has ended. The bell was never rung, but the deaf boxer didn't know that. He walked to his corner and was hit from behind by McCoy for a knockout. Nearly 55 years later, there was a new invention - flashing red lights at the boxing ring corners, to alert all boxers, including deaf boxers that the round has ended. That invention, unfortunately didn't help McCoy's deaf opponent.   -- a new deaf entertainer The 10th annual Black Choreographers Festival is taking place right now in San Francisco. One of the choreographers during the festival is Antoine Hunter. He is deaf. Choreography is dance body movements during a musical. The newspaper said Antoine is a rising star, giving strong performances. Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 02/23/14 Blue edition at: 02/23/14 Gold edition at:

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