DeafDigest - 24 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 24, 2017   -- two new deaf concerns We have two new concerns with the new White House. If there is a federal hiring freeze, then deaf people may be denied such employment opportunities with the government. For years federal employment has been good to the deaf. Also, the new FCC chairperson appointee Ajit Pai does not like net neutrality. The deaf, in recent years, have fought for net neutrality. Without net neutrality, our internet and cable costs may skyrocket, placing low income deaf people at disadvantage. A picture is at:   -- $120,000 is OK Spending $120,000 is OK according to ADA regulations. Johns Hopkins Hospital (Maryland) fought against interpreters for a deaf employee, saying $120,000 per year is a high expense and is an unfair reasonable accommodation. This hospital is part of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. They have $1.9 billion dollars in endownment, meaning $120,000 is just pennies to them!   -- TV to disappoint us or not Will TV disappoint us or not - during the Super Bowl? Kriston Lee Pumphrey will be ASL-signing the National Anthem and America the Beautiful. In the past TV screens have either hid the ASL singers or viewed away from them. We shall wait and see and either be happy or disappointed!   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- a fact about Dancing With the Stars old TV series 1/22/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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