DeafDigest - 24 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 24, 2019   -- these bad old Deaf days During these bad old Deaf days, we used a Model 15 TTY machine. The noise was so loud that it bothered hearing people. A deaf person, who lived in an upper floor apartment, was forced by his landlord to move to a first floor apartment because of that noise. At least the landlord did not kick him out of the apartment building. That was before we had ADA.   -- a big irony with actress that turned down deaf role DeafDigest mentioned the other day that British actress Jameela Jamil turned down a deaf role, saying it should go to a deaf actress. There is an irony - a newspaper story today said she "used" to be partially deaf! What would that mean? She has a hidden CI or a hidden hearing aid or had a non-CI operation that restored her hearing?   -- Deaf Cubs at the Cave Over the past weekend, the Clerc national deaf basketball tournament took place at The Cave at California School for the Deaf. The Cave? A new and huge gym whose facilities are probably bigger than some of the college gyms. Said an amazed athletic director - huge gym with two full courts; main court can seat nearly 1,000 people and gym capacity can hold 2,500 people; a separate wrestling room with bleachers and scoreboard; huge weight room; huge training room; and most important of all, plenty of office space for administrators and coaches. Why the Cave? The school mascot is Cubs.     Deaf jobs – latest update 01/20/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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