DeafDigest - 24 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 24, 2019 -- deaf coffee or deaf pizza Which is a closer walk from Gallaudet to a deaf coffee place or a deaf pizza place on H Street NE, Washington, DC? Starbucks is closer, near 6th Street. Mozzeria will open up near 13th Street. In other words a walk of approximately seven blocks between both deaf places, but Starbucks is a shorter walk to Gallaudet.    -- modeling and selling clothes on TV Zi Wei, who is deaf, is the host of a TV livestreaming program, modeling and selling her clothes. Viewers could buy these clothes on-line if they like what she is modeling. It is not an easy job for her, as she may model as many as 60 different clothes in the 6-hour long livestreaming program! Can get quite exhausting at the end of the day.   -- disabled contestant joking about sign language Ryan Niemiller, a disabled hearing contestant, is auditioning for a spot on the "America's Got Talent" TV program. He said that when he left a restaurant, the hostess thanked him (for coming) in sign language. He wasn't sure if the hostess thought he had a hearing loss in addition to his physical disability, so made a joke out of it. Not sure if joking about it is good manners or is bad manners!     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/21/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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