DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 24, 2019
-- angry interpreter walks out of a meeting
DeafDigest editor saw it happen - that an
angry interpreter walked out in middle of
a meeting, leaving the deaf and hearing
participants not knowing how to communicate
with each other. The interpreter was angry
when the deaf leader mocked her, saying
she was not important and was at the the
meeting just to exchange communications.
Bottom line - always treat interpreters
with respect.
-- choices of jobs for deaf
In USA, the deaf pretty much have their
choices of employment. It is not that
always so in other nations. As an
example, the deaf in Nepal are taught
carpentry and weaving, and nothing
else. In Bulgaria, the deaf have
three choices - learn to become
dental technicians, factory
employees and opticians. What
about other choices - sorry, none!
-- a song at a big wedding
A hearing father, so happy that his deaf
daughter was getting married, sang a song
praising her. The hearing people at the
wedding loved the song. The deaf at the
wedding? Forget it, there was no
interpreter and the deaf daughter had no
idea why everyone was clapping for her!
Deaf jobs - latest update
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