DeafDigest - 24 March 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 24, 2017 -- surviving in a competitive fashion design market The fashion design market is extremely competitive. Not easy for a hearing fashion designer to make it, let alone a deaf fashion designer. Mona Thalheimer, who is deaf, recently displayed her latest fashion designs in New York. A picture is at:   -- a strange newspaper headline A mother told a newspaper reporter: I don't want my child to be deaf again Her comment became a newspaper headline. Does the mother realize that when her child takes off the CI, he becomes deaf again. In fact he becomes hearing and then deaf several times per day!   -- feedback on Deaf ID There was feedback on Deaf ID that was mentioned in yesterday's edition. A deaf woman said that she has the DEAF word on her driver's license but would not have DEAF stickers and cards in public view, not wanting robbers to follow her home. A DeafBlind person said a similar issue came up regarding the white cane. Normally the cane bottom is red to identify the person as DeafBlind. It was proposed to change the color to candy stripes. It was strongly opposed by the DeafBlind because of safety concerns.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- 400 lightbulbs by Edison 3/19/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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