DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 24, 2020
-- the interpreter and the hearing person
Many hearing people have never seen an interpreter
perform and/or also have never met a deaf person
in the past. Some of them may make comments
such as:
why is the interpreter making so much noise?
this interpreter doesn't seem to know sign language
interpreter signs don't seem right to me.
What do interpreters have to say about these
negative comments? Occupational hazard is what
they would say!
-- hearing aid vs eyeglasses
An advocate said many people, with hearing loss,
wear eyeglesses but many of them won't wear hearing
aids. This may be true - but many people won't
wear eyeglasses; instead they wear contact lenses!
DeafDigest editor had an uncle who suffered from
late hearing loss. Not just once in his life would
he ask DeafDigest editor for advice - captions,
CART, interpreters, flashing signalers, special
telephone devices, etc. He chose to isolate himself
from family members that loved him.
-- special devices discriminate against the deaf
There was a posting today that said electronic assistive
devices discriminate against hearing - because of problems
undesrtanding accents and dialects. This posting also said
that devices such as Alexa and Sira do not provide captions
for the deaf - either incoming or outgoing commands.
Deaf jobs - latest update
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