DeafDigest - 24 October 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 24, 2012 -- reasons why FCC captioning rules are bad New FCC rules on captions is bad news. If a TV program is shown once, then no captions. Short video clips, no captions. If captioned TV show is shown on internet with reduced length, no captions. Home-made videos, no captions unless shown on TV with captions. New movies on the internet, no captions unless these were shown on TV with captions. And we may see small TV and internet producers go out of business to avoid paying captioning costs.     -- mourning the death of a deaf man for nothing David Rose posted a picture of himself on the internet, a dying deaf Californian, a quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. He said death was any time because of pneumonia, and the message he posted was to be the last one. He also explained that he types one letter at a time with a stick in his mouth. Many people mourned his announced death. Few days later, it was learned everything was a fake. David Rose never existed, his picture was stolen from a hearing man's facebook page. The blogger with the fake story was David Rhodes. No one knows who he is or where he came from. He has been posting fake stories since 2007.     -- deaf man offers $500 to get a full time job Brian Neill is a deaf truck driver from Australia. He has been unemployed for 10 months. Desperate, he carried a big sidewalk sign, offering $500 for anyone that gives him a new full time job! He was driving a truck for six years; he lost his job because his trucking company moved to another city and he didn't want to follow them and leave his family behind.     -- a crazy school bus policy at a New York deaf school 47 School for the Deaf, Manhattan, NY, has a crazy policy about their school buses. Deaf students can ride on the bus, but not hearing students. A hearing sister, who attends the school with her deaf sister, was not allowed to ride on the bus but her deaf sister could. Hearing and deaf attending the same deaf school? Well, 47 School allows hearing students to attend classes if they have a deaf sibling attending classes! The deaf mother of both girls is very upset about it.     -- no more British's "SSDI"? SSDI in Great Britain is called Disability Living Allowance (DLA). Many deaf Brits depend on it. The government wants to stop it, and the deaf community is upset. The government wants to replace it with Personal Independence Payments (PIP). DLA or PIP? DLA payments are fixed; PIP payments may be lower depending on one's individual needs. Right now there is a nationwide petition urging the government to leave DLA alone.     10/21/12 Blue edition at: 10/21/12 Gold edition at:

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