DeafDigest - 24 October 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 24, 2014   -- a big loss for Deaf Smith Deaf Smith, a deaf fighter, became famous for his battles against Mexico in the early 19th century. In 1835, he climbed on a big tree in Texas to spy on the movements of Mexican soldiers. 179 years later, this famous big tree that Deaf Smith climbed up, became weak because of lack of rain water in the area. This fallen tree was on the list of Famous Trees of Texas. This is a big historical loss for Deaf Smith. See the pictures at:   -- a different way for the deaf to vote on election day A leader of the disabled has been urging the local electoral group to allow the deaf to vote - in a different way. Instead of ballots listing the names of candidates, pictures of candidates would be shown. Why? Many deaf people can't read and would not know the candidates if they had to read their names on the ballot! It is not happening in USA, but in Botswana, where many deaf people lack education. -- free college tuition and fees for the deaf College is expensive, but an investment for the future. Well, many young people cannot afford these college costs and as a result, either drop out or seek jobs that do not require a college education. Well, for the deaf in Odisha, a state in India, the deaf will not pay college costs. Just wish the same can be said for students attending Gallaudet and NTID.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 10/19/14 Blue edition at: 10/19/14 Gold edition at:

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