DeafDigest - 24 October 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 24, 2016 -- some hearing truckers hate deaf truckers Truck driving is a growing employment opportunity for the deaf. Our list of deaf truck drivers is getting longer and longer. It is disappointing that there are hearing truck drivers that hate deaf truck drivers! They feel all truck drivers must hear. They do not realize that deaf people can see (and see much better than hearing). A picture is at:   -- State supreme court says one place not a public accommodation A deaf prisoner in Delaware filed a lawsuit, saying that his lack of access to TTY is discrimination. He lost because the Delaware Supreme Court said prisons are not public accommodation and therefore not considered discrimination. This is very surprising because other states have been allowing the deaf to use TTY and video phones.   -- a comment by deaf leader about Deaf Rally Last week DeafDigest made a comment about Deaf Rally and the low turnout. A deaf leader told DeafDigest that the problem with Deaf Rally is too many demands (jobs, interpreters, captions, etc). He said - just one demand is enough. Legislators will be overwhelmed if there are too many demands thrown at them! Examples of past one issue rallies are Gallaudet Deaf President Now Rally and CBS Captions Rally.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- discrimination against deaf diplomat 10/23/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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