DeafDigest - 24 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 24, 2017   -- a 50,000 year old deaf man There was a big story today about a group of archaeologists dissecting the bones of a 50,000 year old prehistoric Neanderthal man. They looked at his ear canals and determined that he was deaf. They named him Shanidar 1 and they felt that fellow tribal members protected him. They felt he couldn't survive in the wild because of his deafness (wild animals and competing tribes)! A picture is at:   -- very angry interpreter An interpreter was at a speaking event that discussed controversial political issues. The host filmed the event and then made an ad out of it, urging voters come and vote on election day. The ad showed the interpreter "hinting" her support for an issue she was violently opposed to. She asked the hosts to either drop her from the ad or to change the ad. So far the hosts refused to do anything. As a result, the interpreter suffered sleepless nights, worrying about her reputation in the Deaf Community.   -- the U.S. Department of Education opposes deaf rights The U.S. Department of Education announced that 72 guidelines, protecting the rights and needs of disabled and deaf students, were thrown out. Also thrown out were guidelines on rehabilitation services for the deaf. This is not good news.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Obama's two deaf women in his office 10/22/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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