DeafDigest - 24 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 23, 2018   -- wearing a hearing aid could kill the interview A deaf man wore a hearing aid to a job interview. The employer saw it and gave all kinds of excuses for not offering him the job. He then stopped wearing his hearing aid during other job interviews and was able to find a job. It bothers DeafDigest because even without the hearing aid, the employer would have already known of his deafness. A deaf person is deaf, with or without a hearing aid (or a CI).   -- a big shock in Finland Finland is one of the world's best nations - high standard of living, high quality of life, great economy, etc. Yet it came as a big shock that years ago Finland practiced eugenics, sterilizing young people to prevent deaf and disabled babies from being born. Deaf people are demanding that the government issue an apology over its eugenics past!   -- a comment by a Certified Deaf Interpreter A Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) said: Doctors, interpreters and deaf patients tend to misunderstand each other during medical exams. And if it were not for CDI's, lives of some deaf patients would not be saved.     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/21/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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