DeafDigest - 25 April 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 25, 2016 -- crook says money hidden in deaf agency Roger Munro, not deaf, is a crooked Australian investment manager. He is accused of stealing 65 million dollars from investors that expected high returns. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has been questioning him, and he told them money is in the banking account of an American deaf social services agency! The Australian agency looked everywhere for the money and cannot find it! Is he telling a lie? A picture is at:   -- five more to go How big is the planned Deaf Grassroots Movement? Rallies will be taking place at 45 different state capitals. This means five more state capitals to go to make it 100 percent. Rallies? To make legislators aware of rights and needs of the deaf.   -- a donation to a deaf person The Australian movie - "We Can Be Heroes" has a scene where a donation to a deaf person is rather unusual. In the plot, are twins, one deaf, one hearing. The hearing twin wanted the deaf twin to become hearing. Did he donate a hearing aid? No. Did he donate money for a CI? No. He donated his ear drum, hoping the deaf twin will become hearing!   Latest deaf jobs:   Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- pioneering deaf female pilot   04/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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