DeafDigest - 25 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 25, 2016   -- Starbucks' best barista is deaf Starbucks has been hiring more deaf people as baristas, preparing coffees and cold refreshment drinks for demanding customers. Who is the best Deaf Barista? It is Banny M.H. Choi, a deaf Korean woman. She won a Starbucks Barista contest, beating out other competing baristas. A picture of her is at:   -- deaf jobs survey accurate or false There was a survey that said 25 percent of employed deaf people quit their jobs because of discrimination. This survey took place in Great Britain. This survey accurate or false? Many people quit their jobs because of abusive bosses, no matter if these employees are deaf or hearing. Very often a deaf person does not realize that his abusive boss is also abusive to hearing employees! This is why DeafDigest does not trust the survey results.   -- thrown out for wearing a hearing aid A deaf girl, a member of her school 6th grade basketball team in Kentucky, was thrown out of the game. The referee would not allow her to play while wearing a hearing aid! Her angry mother personally confronted the referee. After reviewing the rules, the referee allowed her back in the game! The conference then sent a notice to all referees and participating schools that hearing aids are allowed.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- ASL, easier way to learn 08/21/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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