DeafDigest - 25 December 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 25, 2015 -- trying to become the first deaf doctor in Japan Japan has about 70 hard of hearing doctors; they all function as hearing. There are no profoundly deaf or Culturally Deaf doctors. Hattori Norishige, who is deaf, is a student at the Hamamatsu University School of Medicine in Hamamatsu-shi, eastern Japan. His goal is to become Japan's first profoundly deaf physician. He attended a gathering of deaf people in the health care profession in USA and was amazed to find so many profoundly deaf medical professionals. His picture is at:   -- frustrations of a deaf patient at a hospital A deaf patient speaks very well. He just cannot lipread. Yet a hospital has communication problems with him when the interpreter is not around. It is fine when the interpreter is on duty. The angry deaf wife said that she should be able to check on her husband's medical issues at all times instead of having to scramble around to find an interpeter each time he is not feeling good.   -- Deaf drivers in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia allows the deaf to drive cars. This nation also has Lyft service for people that need rides. Could the deaf of Saudi Arabia make a living as Lyft drivers? Well, there was a story today of Prince Alwaleed, Saudi Arabia, investing his money in Lyft ownership. Would he encourage deaf Saudi Arabians that own cars to become Lyft drivers?   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 12/20/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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