DeafDigest - 25 December 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition – December 25, 2018 -- big theaters to show deaf movie subtitles "A Silent Voice" is a Japanese animated film that features a deaf character. That movie will be shown as subtitled in bigger movie houses in January - Multiplex and Regal. Make sure it will be subtitled before you go in and buy tickets. There are always some theaters that advertise captions or subtitles but are eventually shown as non-captioned or non-subtitled.   -- a simple deaf gesture may scare a police officer there was a story in a police magazine today about a deaf person gesturing to the police officer during a traffic stop. The deaf person would gesture his deafness and then reach out to the glove compartment to pull out his paperwork. The cop, scared, has to decide if the driver is getting too aggressive and perhaps reaching out for his weapon or is just simply trying to get the paperwork. The best solution is to just shout out "I am deaf; I am deaf; I am deaf" hoping the cop would acknowledge it. Smart cops would, though but possibly not the case with some dumb cops!   -- driving one hour each way for a deaf ASL event A hearing student, taking ASL classes, said she had to drive one hour each way for a total of two hours just ot attend a deaf ASL event. That student wasn't too happy about the long distance ASL assignment.     Deaf jobs – latest update 12/23/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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