DeafDigest - 25 December 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 25, 2019 -- deaf patrons and deaf TV commercials A deaf patron was filmed in a TV commercial involving the Chick-fil-A restaurant in Topeka, Kansas. The deaf person used ASL to communicate his order, and the Chick-fil-A wanted to make a commercial out of it. This is interesting because there have been many hearing clerks, knowing ASL that do communicate with deaf customers - but no commercials came out of it - just ordinary business transactions between customers and clerks. Why just Chick-fil-A and not others?   -- arguing in front of the Supreme Court Michael A. Chatoff was the first deaf attorney to argue a case in front of the Supreme Court. It took place in 1982, during the famed Rowley Case. Thirty-seven years later a group of deaf attorneys were sworn during the U.S. Supreme Court Bar Association event, making them eligible to argue future cases at the nation's highest court. Will they? The Supreme Court is extremely picky on which cases they will listen to, meaning huge majority of cases will not be heard at all!   -- Freelance interpreters in California may be nervous California has many freelance interpreters. Again, many of them are great interpreters - and all the more reason for them to be nervous. It is the proposed Assembly Bill 5 which may require interpreting companies to treat freelancers as employees, not as contractors. Many of these interpreters want to be classified as contractors and not as employees. Stay tuned!     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/22/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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