DeafDigest - 25 December 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 25, 2020 -- upcoming Super Bowl, deaf-friendly or not-deaf friendly It is quite a bit early for Super Bowl talk since the NFL playoffs have not yet started - but what is in it for us with the Super Bowl? Friendly or not friendly? ASL signer of National Anthem shown on screen or pushed out. Captions not showing up on Super Bowl commercials and so on. Just wait and see.\   -- interpreters being popular A newspaper headline said that an interpreter, working a news conference, was said to be popular among the deaf in the audience. What is popularity? An interpreter, possibly a Coda, being well known in the deaf community? Or is it an interpreter, a non-Coda, who signs so smoothly, making it so easy for non-ASL deaf to understand what is being said by the speaker.   -- nation's most controversial politician has a deaf brother Do read the newspapers and you will find AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) always in the front page news. What it was just learned was that she has a deaf brother - Gabriel Ocasio-Cortez. He became deaf as a teenager, and as a result, has become a strong advocate for the deaf in New York City. The only other top rank politician with a deaf brother was Tom Harkin, the father of ADA. Any others? DeafDigest does not know of any others.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/20/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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