DeafDigest - 25 February 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 25, 2020 -- a deaf daredevil In the past we had a deaf daredevil in the late Kitty O'Neil who broke landspeed driving records and performed many movie stunts. Are we seeing a new deaf daredevil right now in Dane Jackson. He jumped 134 feet down in a waterfall in his kayak at Salto del Maule waters in Valle de Los Condores, Chile. It is said to be the second highest waterfall jump in history.   -- courtroom reasonable accommodation A job applicant for a courtroom officer position won the support of the New York State Division of Human Rights, saying his use of hearing aid is reasonable accommodation. What if that job applicant depends on ASL interpreting to function in this same job? Would that still be considered reasonable accommodation? Hope so.   -- more on EastEnders' deaf character There is a twist on British TV screens because of Ben Mitchell’s deafness scenes in the EastEnders sitcoms. When he speaks up, the sound on the screen is distorted - to reflect his deafness! What if EastEnders is shown on USA TV, would the captions be distorted? EastEnders was shown in the past, but seems no longer.     Deaf jobs - latest update 02/23/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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