DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 25, 2021
-- Gallaudet becomes a leader in local Covid-19 testing
Gallaudet is establishing a new lab site on campus
to test Covid-19 samples, not just from people
at Gallaudet but also of Marymount University,
American University and Catholic University PLUS
public schools in Baltimore! Quite a huge honor
for Gallaudet to serve as a leader in the fight
against Covid-19.
-- an apology and rematch requested
Yesterday's DeafDigest ran a story of a deaf
wrestler in Nebraska high school state
championship finals - who lost because the
referee would not clearly communicate with
him, which cost him an all-important point.
The family has demanded an apology from
Nebraska State High School Athletic
Association plus a championship rematch
with the hearing winner. DeafDigest
hates to say it but a rematch more likely
is not going to happen. Referees decisions
are always final in all sports even when
they have made apologies for their own wrong
-- a fake-blind actor
There was a TV re-run on "In the Heat of the
Night" in which a fully-sighted actor became
blind because of violence. For the remainder
of the program, his eyes were blindfolded,
and he struggled while moving around. Should
we call it a "fake-blind" actor even when he
previously was a sighted person per the script?
Always such issues with fake-deaf actors
playing deaf roles.
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