DeafDigest - 25 January 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 25, 2012 -- Some of 600 children certified as hearing may possibly be deaf! In Liverpool, England, a doctor gave hearing tests to 600 children, and signed papers showing they were hearing. These tests took place at the Alder Hey Children's Hospital audiology clinic between 2007 and 2011. Later, it looked fishy because about 10 of the children were found to be deaf. The shocked hospital staff fired the doctor and ordered all 600 children to be re-tested! The angry British public health officials is investigating it and may revoke the doctor's license. And possibly go to jail for fraud.   -- A famous comment by a deaf chef of a deaf-owned restaurant The Viuda Bistro is a deaf-owned restaurant in Buda, Texas, near Austin. The restaurant chef is Kurt Ramborger. He is deaf. He said: You don't need ears to cook Kurt is right; we have a few deaf chefs in USA, including two in the Los Angeles/Southern California area. These two stand out in the area as one of the best chefs around.   -- England wants more deaf reporters on TV news programs Few weeks ago DeafDigest mentioned that Karen Meyers may be the nation's only deaf TV news reporter. England better than USA? The BBC, a big TV network in England, wants to hire about 10 new deaf reporters for TV news programs! Why England and not USA?   -- Post office confusion between deaf school and hearing school In Phoenix, there are two schools - Phoenix Day School for the Deaf (PDSD) and the Phoenix Country Day School (PCDS). It is these abbreviations, and possibly the full names, that confused the mail carriers. From time to time wrong letters and wrong packages would be delivered to the wrong schools! Now, because of better technology (bar code), mistakes and confusion are no more.   -- Kodak bankruptcy and the deaf It is sad to read about Kodak filing bankruptcy. Years back, Thomas Edison, a deaf man, invented movie equipment to shoot movies. Kodak invented the film that Edison needed to make these movies. In 1971 Kodak hired its first NTID graduate. And the number of deaf employees grew to about 100.  These deaf people had backgrounds in engineering, science, computer aided design technology, photography, printing, business and computers. And at annual NTID job fairs, Kodak was always there. What is the future? Kodak will not disappear and will probably change into something different and will still continue to hire the deaf.  

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