DeafDigest - 25 January 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 25, 2016 -- a movie theater refuses to show open captions The Westgarth Cinemas has refused to open caption their movies. The Deaf Community is very angry about it. A story about the theater's refusal was written up in a local newspaper. The theater has made available their individual captioning devices, but the deaf patrons said either the device is defective or is not available upon demand! The theater is in Australia.A picture is at:     -- school for the deaf open in freezing weather It is freezing right now in Hong Kong. The local government has ordered all schools to close until the weather gets better. Yet, for some reason, the school for the deaf was ordered to stay open! Why? No reason was given.   -- a complaint by the blind The blind people have a complaint. When they go to the movies, they are given portable captioning devices! It is not funny. It is the same as the deaf going to a restaurant and being given Braille menus.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 01/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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