DeafDigest - 25 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 25, 2019 -- invisible interpreter or visible interpreter Los Angeles interpreter Justin Maurer was the focus of a newspaper story which was titled: Interpreter became the reluctant face (and hands) of the United Teachers Los Angeles strike The story stressed that interpreters are supposed to be visble but during the teachers' strike he became visible on the stage, drawing raves from the deaf (and the hearing) in the audience. It was a role that the interpreter felt somewhat uncomfortable!   -- museums help the deaf 6 different ways When deaf people visit museums, there are six apps that help them enjoy the tours. These apps are for the zoos, nature centers, science centers, history centers, the aquariums and the botanical centers. One important app is missing - for the art museums!   -- Titans looking for a deaf actor It is always great when a production company is seeking a deaf actor and is announcing a casting call. It is the DC superhero series TITANS and they want a deaf actor.     Deaf jobs – latest update 01/20/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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