DeafDigest - 25 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 25, 2014     -- probably the rarest deaf event in history! an extremely rare deaf event took place, possibly the first time. Two deaf sisters, both pregnant, gave births within few hours of each other - at the same hospital! It happened at the Union Hospital. Interpreters? Yes, two separate groups of interpreters were hired for this once-in-a-lifetime event. No way would one interpreter be traveling back and forth between both sisters' beds and their doctors.     -- yes captions and no captions going on right now is the Commonwealth Games, which is like "Britishlympics" involving about 70 nations related to Great Britain - Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, etc. It is a big event that holds high interest among sports-lovers in the Commonwealth nations. These games are being televised. Captions for the deaf? In Scotland, the deaf are very happy because there are captions. In New Zealand, the deaf are very unhappy because of no captions. Not sure why couldn't these captions be shared with all 70 English speaking nations instead of just a few lucky British-speaking nations?     -- many deaf people hate Video Remote Interpreting many deaf people hate Video Remote Interpreting (VRI). Why? Many reasons - many deaf patients are not good with sign language; slow internet connection; poor picture on the screen; one can only see faces on the screen, not full body; many hospital engineers do not know how to fix video problems; VRI is disconnected while waiting for doctor's review of medical tests; when doctor comes back, the video is turned on only to find a new and different interpreter; many VRI interpreters do not know medical signs; etc. What is the best solution - real interpreter in person!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/20/14 Blue edition at: 07/20/14 Gold edition at:  

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