DeafDigest - 25 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 25, 2016 -- deaf may flunk out at old University of Salamanca DeafDigeest editor is touring Portugal and visited the University of Salamanca (in Spain, but near Portugal). It was leearned that lectures at old University of Salamanca campus were in in total darkness. If a deaf student took classes, then darkness may prevent him from success. The new University of Salamanca campus, however, is modern. A picture is at:   -- deaf shocked by bad news The deaf people of Connecticut had interpreters for years. Suddenly - no more. Governor Dannel Malloy is trying to save money by laying off interpreters. This sudden shutdown came with no warning. DeafDigest hopes Malloy will realize his error and restore full interpeting services This shutdown has become a nightmare for him because Deaf Community is fighting back.   -- DC actors angry at Gallaudet University People love watching plays at Fringe theaters anywhere in USA, especially in Washington, DC. For the first time, plays are being shown on the Gallaudet campus - but it has created problems. Gallaudet requires full accessibility, something the Fringe people did not really realize. If there is no solution, then the Fringe groups may leave Gallaudet next year.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- anti-deaf eugenicist 07/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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