DeafDigest - 25 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 25, 2014     -- deaf stealing from the Vodafone Yahaya Amidu, a deaf man, was arrested for stealing underground cables that belonged to Vodafone Ghana. These thefts have caused the network to crash. This is not the first time he committed the same crime. He was arrested last year, but the Ghanian courts acquitted him. Why? Because there was no interpreter around! The police is saying that they will make sure an interpeter will show up this time at the trial.     -- a happy Deaf Blind hiker Last year DeafDigest mentioned that Roger Poulin, who is Deaf Blind, hiked the 2,185 mile Appalachian Trail (Georgia to Maine). He was forced to stop hiking because the trail was closed for the season, due to cold weather. At the time of the closing, he was 100 miles away from the target. Now that the weather is warmer and the trail is open, Roger expects to reach the target this Friday.     -- more on the movies and the cell phones A DeafDigest subscriber, who watches the movies a lot, felt that captions on the cell phone is a joke. Why? Impossible to eat popcorn or candy or to sip soda on one hand and holding the cell phone on the other hand. Also, having to hold the cell phone for two hours would be very tiring. If hands are tired and you place the cell phone on your lap, you will miss the action on the screen! What is the best solution? Very simple - open captions, instead of using captioned gimmicks.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/22/14 Blue edition at: 06/22/14 Gold edition at:  

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