DeafDigest - 25 June 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 25, 2019 -- great story of Washington Post printers lacking a fact Today's Washington Post ran a great story about deaf printers in the past years. This great story lacked a great fact - that a deaf person was in the charge of production operations. That person supervised a shift crew of many hearing and deaf printers which set up next days' newspaper before it went to the printing presses. It is believed that this deaf person achieved the highest professional level ever made possible at Washington Post.   -- interpreter at front and at center A complaint was posted on a web site about the distractions an interpreter would create when standing in front and at center of the stage. The person doing the complaining suggested that the interpeter be moved to the end of the stage. Is the person correct or wrong? That person is defintely wrong! Things can happen in the middle of the stage that the deaf would not see if eyes were focused towards the end of the stage.   -- volunteering to make voice telephone calls There was an obit that praised a hearing person for always volunteering to make voice telephone calls for the deaf. That person volunteered years ago when we had no relay services that served us. We had no choice except to rely on telephone call volunteers. That was great - except for one fact - that the hearing volunteer could also be too nosey and know too much about our personal lives and personal issues!     Deaf jobs - latest update 06/23/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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