DeafDigest - 25 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 25, 2020 -- captions/subtitles; different nations, different rules A worldwide distributor of films said that captioning or subtitling their movies require obeying each nation's rules and regulations, all of which differ from each other! And another issue is the choice of language to caption or to subtitle! A big hassle? Yes.   -- change in Oscar nominations not helping the deaf The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said it is establishing rules to encourage diversity among nominees. What about deaf actors? These new rules made no mention of these deaf actors that deserve nomination. Very disappointing.   -- the face mask and the deaf physician Though exact count is difficult, it has been estimated we have about 100-125 deaf physicians in USA. Do they have problems dealing with face masks? Yes. This was a big issue raised by a deaf physician in a newspaper story.   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/21/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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